
Dear Spencer, it's the little things...

that I want to remember about you.

We brought your castle slide inside.  It's been hot outside, and sunscreen really irritates your face, so I asked you if you wanted me to get your slide.  You answered with your token, "'Kay."  I dragged it inside while you stared at me.  I told you that I was taking it into the living room, and you ran in there to wait on me.  I so enjoy feeling as if we communicate.  You've played on that slide more in the past week that you have in the 9 months that it's been in your backyard.  Probably because we put it in front of the television.  Now at least you're getting exercise while you watch your movies.

Many of your toys are just taking up space in your closet.  I'm tempted to get rid of all of them and start over, but my more practical, thrifty side would never let me do that.  I still attempted to sort through some of them, and while I did it, I would hold each toy up and ask if you liked it anymore.  Every time I did this you adamantly replied, "Nah!" ["No!"] and shook your head as hard as you could.  I think you totally understood what I was saying.

I have been putting you in your crib for time-outs.  It's only happened four times, but it's changing my life.  It's a good fit for my personality because I automatically have a game plan when you disregard what I say.  I don't have to stand there and think about what I'm going to say or how many times I'm going to tell you to stop or whether or not I'm going to "fight this battle" with stronger "discipline."  I just say "No."  And if you ignore me, I just pick you up and say, "We don't 'X.'  You're going to your crib for a time out."  I don't get angry or frustrated or flustered.  I put your in your crib and walk out of the room.  Your longest time-out has yet to exceed 35 seconds, and each time I've gotten you out you have not repeated the offense (at least not immediately).  I feel so secure in these new boundaries.  I'm sure you will too.  =)

One day last week around 11:15 or so you climbed up in your high chair and wanted to eat lunch.  This is not normal, and i embraced it whole-heartedly.  You fed yourself yogurt and ate chinese beef and broccoli.  You said "yum" and talked all about it.  Many days don't go this way, and it's so much fun when it feels like some of what we strive for (eating, speaking, not throwing every piece of food handed to you across the dining room) is getting though to your little mind.  

Today, like many days lately, you didn't want me to rock you before your nap.  A few nights ago you fussed and cried until I just laid you in your bed and then you stopped immediately as I told you goodnight and covered you up.  Clearly it's not you who's keeping the "rocking before bedtime" dream alive.  I'm committed to letting you phase it out.  If only you'd give up the pacifier while we're at it.

One morning this week after I changed your diaper, you pulled me down and pressed my face up against yours, holding my face down beside you as tightly as you could, insisting that I lay there next to you as you watched your morning dose of PBS Kids.  You were holding me down in a really awkward position, but I just soaked it up.  You're such a sweet little boy.  Usually not a day goes by that I'm not completely amazed at the blessing we've been given in you.  

When we went to get my allergy shot this week, we had quite a lively visit.  You are so comfortable there, that you want us to walk straight into the shot room, so I have been trying to teach you that we wait our turn until they call my name.  As soon as we go back you start pointing at the dum dums and asking for one.  If I'm not in the mood to have you covered in sucker drool, I just pick out a flavor that I know you won't like, for example: root beer or bubble gum.  It's really funny to watch you taste it and then shiver.  After that you dance around on all the chairs and built-in benches.  You did some twirling and only had a few near death encounters, and for the first time you didn't want to leave.  I basically had to carry you out of the office crying, which causes people to stare, by the way.  Thanks for that.   We then headed straight for the post office, where you were awarded another--you guessed it--dum dum.  The clerk was very nice, and I felt bad for him when you didn't act very enthusiastic about the sucker.

We've had quite a few interactions today where you have tried to say a new word!  Horray!  Just when I feel like giving up.  You also said "thank you" to the man who gave you a sucker at the post office.  After the post office, I really pressed my luck and took you to the grocery store.  We had a few not-so-great moments, but on the whole you did great.  You ate blueberries and a cereal bar in the basket and danced around (literally), while trying to open every package of food.  Anything at all "delicate" has to be put on the bottom of the grocery cart.  The person who checked us out did not seem to appreciate my logic in putting so many small things down there.

When we finally got home, you ran to your beloved black rectangle in the living room, saying "Mmm Mmm Mmm," until I turned on Dora.  It started in the middle of an episode that I didn't think you liked very much, so I skipped it and you went ballistic.  I quickly got back to the spot where it had originally started, and you were back at ease.  You then promptly looked up at me, waved, and say "bye bye."  As if to tell me that my work here is done and you'd like to be alone with your media.  I'm not complaining.  I unloaded and put away the groceries in peace.

1 comment:

  1. again, love your blog and how you capture Spencer's life!! My kids faces are real sensitive to sunscreen too. The only thing that works on them is the pink baby Neutrogena stick. (pure and free baby). Worth a try.


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