
Spencer's Modus Operandi Thus Far

Pronunciation: \ˌmō-dəs-ˌä-pə-ˈran-dē, -ˌdī\ Function: noun.
Etymology: New Latin. Date: 1654.
: a method of procedure; especially : a distinct pattern or method of operation that indicates or suggests the work of a single criminal in more than one crime

As of now, there is no criminal activity to report. Just this fun overview of Spencer's gross motor accomplishments.

1 week: bottoms up

7 weeks: the kid has always preferred to stand

2 months: I would type, "holding his head up," but he did this from day 1. Honestly.

4 months: always up on his hands

5 months: Trying to figure it out, and doing a little core strengthening.

6 months: Crawling! Ah, the way life should be!

6 months: "Who doesn't crawl and pull up in the same month?"

Still 6 months: "I think I'll pull up everywhere."

8 months: He never was a big fan of sitting.

8 months: "I'll just play on my knees instead."

8 months: Continually trying to walk. Here is his "1 hand" maneuver.

He's been taking steps unassisted for a month now, but I've yet to get a picture.
Don't worry, I have witnesses.

Obviously, this post could also be entitled, "Because It's Fun to Brag."
I have decided there is no shame in this.
I threw up for 6 months, and I'll brag obnoxiously as I feel the need.


Name that Baby

Spencer at 3 months.

Jonathan at 7 months.

This is Jonathan at 6.5 months.

This is Spencer at 7 months.

My little Blonathan.


Peer Pressure

Posting random comments is no longer satiating my appetite for connection in the blogosphere. I have been battling the overwhelming desire to get in on the fun for a few weeks now. One of the main things holding me back was my inability to come up with a catchy blog title. While doing laundry and thinking of possibilities, I realized I was complicating my own life--by over-thinking it. Some people just decide to start a blog, sit down, and do it. Then the title came to me. I couldn't think of anything else more appropriate. (Not that I didn't try)
I showed the title to Jonathan, looking for approval and affirmation. He just read the description with a smirk. I ask, "What? is it not funny? Does it not make sense? Do you not like it? What?" He paused, looked at me, and said, "No, it's funny. It's just you, that's all." And he walked off. I decided that was all I could hope for from me, was "just me." So, here I am. Look forward to deep, hard-hitting posts, like "Why Stain Removers Don't Remove Stains" and "Why Spencer Likes the Round Teethers the Best" I know you're' excited.