
First Day of Three Year Old Preschool

You had a great first day of preschool.  You already knew your teacher and the building from "Summer Fun Days" (which were from 9 -2), today you went from 8:30 to 11:30.  You did great.  You were excited to wear the shirt that "Miss Jenny Bunch made for [you]."  You were excited to get your picture made.  You're never excited to fix your hair, so I didn't even try.  You're welcome.

You were excited and not excited to go.  We all vacillate sometimes.  But we talked through it, and while I did drag you into your classroom, you did not cry when I left.  

You quickly and easily found your name on the row of backpack hooks, and I hung your back pack there.  You still refuse to carry your own backpack.  You also informed me a few days ago that you don't want to grow up.

We talked about going to preschool all morning, at one point, you walked into the room and said, "It's fall.  I go to preschool now, so it's fall."  I'd told you that you'd go to preschool in the fall.  I sort of agreed with you while trying to explain that it's really still the end of summer, but that preschool starts right before fall.  As I blabbed on you said, "It's fall, and I go campin'!"  I was also the genius who told you it's too hot to go camping in the summer, and that we'd have to try to do that in the fall.  Lovely.  You have a great memory, by the way.

You were not overly eager to chat about your school day, but you were happy when I picked you up.  Miss Holly told me that you had a great day, and that you have a "good class."  (I'm assuming they don't comment if the class has shaped up to be something other than 'good.')  You confirmed that you had fun, that you want to go back on Thursday, that the boys and girls in your class were nice, and that you went to chapel.  I could only ask tiny little questions every now and then.  If I was overtly interested or intensely wondering, you told me you didn't want to talk about it.  I had to teach you that phrase after Summer Fun Days when I would ask you questions and you would fuss or otherwise respond inappropriately.  I told you that you didn't have to talk about something if you didn't want to, but that you had to politely say, "I don't want to talk about it."  Today you managed, "I don't want to hear that, Mom."  I got the drift.

I know one thing for sure, you had to be the cutest three year old in the class.  We're all so proud of you, Spencer.  I know you're going to have so much fun this year at preschool.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, he cracks me up. "I don't want to hear about it." He's already preparing for his teenage years. Oh, if only Luke could talk. I don't think I'd want to hear all that he would want to tell me.


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